I'd like to introduce you to my newest article of clothing:

$79.95 plus s/h!
Nah, the Broadway Abridged Shorts are not being sold as merch. But these are new; I put these on to abridge shows that aren't worth a full abridgement. Maybe, like The Audience, they are too obscure. Or maybe it's like Hurly Burly, which will get the shorts treatment just because it's a play.
So there you go, the answer to the oft-asked question, "who don't you abridge plays too?" Now we do.

$79.95 plus s/h!
Nah, the Broadway Abridged Shorts are not being sold as merch. But these are new; I put these on to abridge shows that aren't worth a full abridgement. Maybe, like The Audience, they are too obscure. Or maybe it's like Hurly Burly, which will get the shorts treatment just because it's a play.
So there you go, the answer to the oft-asked question, "who don't you abridge plays too?" Now we do.