Males who were adolescents in 1989 rejoice, for your day has finally come!

Thanks to Midnight Radio on the Broadway World forums for this one, as well as a supposedly "retooled" Ursula:

and lots of others.

And fair's fair; if we're going to ruin Mermaid, we have to hit the other one of the "big two" while we're at it, non?

I have no idea what "Here on Sunset Boulevard" is, except for that if I'm supposed to find the blog of whatever pre-hag took these pictures during a show, it didn't work.

Thanks to Midnight Radio on the Broadway World forums for this one, as well as a supposedly "retooled" Ursula:

and lots of others.

And fair's fair; if we're going to ruin Mermaid, we have to hit the other one of the "big two" while we're at it, non?

I have no idea what "Here on Sunset Boulevard" is, except for that if I'm supposed to find the blog of whatever pre-hag took these pictures during a show, it didn't work.
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