2. I just saw Sunday in the Park with George. May abridge it, may not. Perhaps this weekend. The point is, it's one of my favorite musicals despite it's flaws (them being: Act 2). So why did I enjoy Act 2 so much more than Act 1 last night?
3. The Scottish Play may be going to broadway. I hear it's as good as Magneto in Lear last year, which really was phenomenal. No opinions on this production yet; I'm seeing it end-of-month.
4. I'm also seeing In The Heights at the end of the month. So no real opinions of it yet, but I promised that anytime a "blogger's outreach" person attempts to use me as publicity, I'm happy to post what they e-mailed me.
[While making cuts and ridiculing it. Is that okay with you, Christina Sees from SpotCo?]
My additions in bold:
Hello bloggers!And thank you Christina, for taking the time out of your day to consider bloggers an important facet so that I can then just ruin it for us all.
In the Heights on Broadway is currently receiving rave reviews even though it hasn't been reviewed because it just opened, so maybe I mean "received rave reviews when it was off-Broadway"? Fans are loving In the Heights! Which what I really meant when I said "rave reviews" Basically, some kids at the stage door last night looked really excited. We'd like for you to share this video with all your readers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGoU1HBmNOQ We'd also like your readers to know that they may find this video weird and confusing if they have never seen the show. Sort of like watching the [title of show show] having never seen [title of show]
Here's where I, Christina Sees, simply do some cut and paste About In the Heights:
GET READY TO EXPERIENCE an exhilarating journey
In The Heights is your ticket into a world where
the coffee from the corner bodega is light and sweet, the windows are
always open, and the breeze carries the rhythm of three generations
of music. Kinda like Rent, but with more ethnicities!
Find out what it takes to make a living, what it costs to have a
dream, and what it means to be home...In The Heights.