you'll have to apologize for me not properly capitalizing things. my left shift key came off and i've learned that in day-to-day typing, i rarely ever use the right shift key. argh.
anyway, yes, i am the co-author of a play that was selected to be part of the 2008 new york international fringe festival. it's called time, et. al.: a cautionary tale about love and time travel and it's a science fiction dark comedy that i'm quite proud of. and apparently, off-off-blogway's interest was peeked by it! or at least by the title!
i promise not to turn this blog into a forum for my private, separate projects. i'll bug you once when i actually have working, and a second time when tickets go onsale, and that'll be it.

i promise not to turn this blog into a forum for my private, separate projects. i'll bug you once when i actually have working, and a second time when tickets go onsale, and that'll be it.