Continue reading SMASH Abridged: Episode 4.
February 2012 Archives
The shows I'm looking forward to seeing this Spring:
- Evita: I've never seen a good production of this, and my general dislike for movie musicals means I've only seen pieces of the Madonna one. This is one of the better ALW scores, and one of the better ALW shows at that.
- End of the Rainbow: I know next to nothing about this show, but have a friend involved in this one.
- Jesus Christ Superstar: Actually, I've seen the best production of JCS I ever could: the ridiculous 2000 Pharisees-as-Darth-Vaders production. But I'm considering an Evita-Superstar double show day. If only Phantom of the Opera offered 11:30pm performances... thank god they don't.
- Newsies: I seem to be the only person in the world who had never seen this movie before last month. I also seem to be the only person who feels that the removal of a few movie-generated story elements seem like a good thing. The material has a lot of promise in the right hands; don't fail me now Fierstein.
- Once: I know nothing about the original movie, but this has a buzz around it.
- Leap of Faith: I'll see Raul Esparza in most things, even if the lyrics were written by the guy who wrote Phantom 2.
- Nice Work If You Can Get It: I'll see Kelli O'Hara in most things, even if Matthew Broderick is in tow.
- Magic/Bird: I fully skipped Lombardi. But given that this sounds like a basketball-version of The Farnsworth Invention, I might be swayed on this one.
- Peter and the Starcatcher: I really enjoyed this at NYTW, even though Christian Borle was being covered by Steve Rosen doing a Jon Lovitz impression. I loved the theatrical simplicity of it, and I'm a fan of the new logo.
This show would be much easier to Abridge if it didn't start at 10PM.
Continue reading SMASH Abridged: Episode 3.

Much like the television show, the NES adaptation of SMASH
features double-fisted action.
features double-fisted action.
Continue reading SMASH Abridged: Episode 2.
I thought this might be fun to try.
Continue reading SMASH Abridged: Episode 1.
Congrats to all who entered in the Godspell contest. As promised, I chose the winner totally randomly. Of the people who actually entered correctly by both retweeting *and* commenting on the blog post, I took comment #11, exactly halfway through the 21 comments posted. And the winner is: @efusting, who first encountered Stephen Schwartz's music in a production of Godspell in High School!
Congratulations @efusting! E-mail or DM me by Friday to collect your Godspell ticket voucher!